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28 de diciembre de 2010

Posible letra del primer single del próximo disco, 'Born This Way'.

At the lines, I will hold you
At the battle cry, I will hold you

There is a revolution here, underway
So when their hate finds you
You lock them in the eye and say

 I am beautiful in my way
Because God makes no mistakes
I am on the right track
Baby, I was born this way

At every shot, I will hold you
At every word, I will hold you

We got enough love in our hearts,
to take all their hate
So when their army comes
You look them in the eye and say

I stand in nobody's way
But yet I suffer each day
I will fight with honor
I was born this way

I am beautiful in my way
Because God makes no mistakes
I am on the right track
Baby, I was born this way

When there is no one left, I will hold you
With every breath

We got enough love in our hearts,
to take all their hate
So when their army comes
You ******ing look them in the eye and say

We are beautiful in our way
Because God makes no mistakes
We are on the right track
Baby, we we born this way

We stand in nobody's way...

Sea o no verdadera la letra, a mí me parece una letra preciosa y muy Lady Gaga, ¿qué os parece a vosotros?

¿Real o fake?

Aporte de: Manu Toscano, colaborador de Gaga This Way.
Fuente vía Twitter: @hausofanelle
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6 comentarios:

  1. la verdad es que sea o no la letra verdadera, es muy Lady Gaga y la letra es preciosa y va acorde con Gaga *-*

  2. yo creo que esto es falso

  3. Alguien puede decir de donde ha salido esta informacion por favor? gracias!!

  4. Wow!!! io pienso qe esto podria no es verdadero porqe esta frase "Tonight I will return all the fame and riches earned, with you I'd watch them all be burned" qe Gaga canto en uno de sus conciertos no aparece en la letra de arriba :(

  5. salado jaja
    coincido con el de arriba XD no sé a mi me parece poca letra. espero que no sea.



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